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How many of us can truthfully say that we don't hate everyone we know, even just a little?  Then again, how many people can truthfully say that they DO hate everyone they know, that everyone on the planet is worthless and oh god we should all just drink ourselves into oblivion because life just isn't worth living and everyone has a cock attached to their nose and they just stick it in other people's business.  Ok so maybe that was more convoluted than I had originally imagined, but because I refuse to use the 'backspace' button, as it acts against my principles of always pulling into a parking space like a normal human being.  I mean I've backed up into tons of things, never, and I mean NOT once, has backing into anything ended well.  I've had people make jokes about running backwards through a cornfield, and we all know what can happen there.  That's right......you could get bitten by a snake.  That would be just terrible.  Speaking of terrible, my parents bought me this ridiculous cereal the other day, that for all intents and purposes should have been just generic cheerios.  You would think, that with a kangaroo on the box, you'd be able to trust them to make a quality oat 'o' cereal without fucking it up.  That's right, you would think that.  Apparently they hired some extras down at the factory and they just have a woman named Mona fuckin douche into the bag after her bestiality videos.  These cheerios were flat out the worst cereal i've ever had, and that includes that spinoff of count chockula of that creature from the black lagoon with herpes.  At least the fuckin sores go away!  I"M GOING TO HAVE THE TASTE OF MONA'S DOUCHE-FLUID IN MY MOUTH FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  WHY CAN"T SHE JUST SHOWER INSTEAD.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, drama.  I don't have any.  The most exciting part of my day is when I wake up to realize that I had left a bowl of ice cream from the night before next to my bed.  There's nothing like a breakfast of sweet syrupy sweetness followed by horrendous vomiting and stomach spasms.  Hah.  Spasm.  I had a butt spasm once, wait no, that was diarrhea.  Can you tell I'm running out of ideas?  I really only posted because it's been like two or three weeks since the last one, and I can't stand looking at it for too long.  I can't stop staring though, its loving thighs, firm buttocks, smooth perky breasts.....fuck this i'm out

Posted on Sunday, May 2, 2004 at 09:10PM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments4 Comments

Reader Comments (4)

Ooo! Look at me, i'm Keith! I have Bachelor's Degree in Arts! Oooo!

May 16, 2004 | Unregistered Commenterbrian
I was wondering, what WOULD people look like if their genitals were on their heads?
May 21, 2004 | Unregistered Commenterjackee
hahahah brian is funny, he even used an emoticon!!!//111/!1
May 24, 2004 | Unregistered Commentertara

Go to http://www.puzzlepirates.com/ to play a puzzle fighter port in a puzzle-driven, pirate-themed mmorpg. It's the shit.

PS email me asshole
May 29, 2004 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

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