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And here's why I have problems

I'm just going to go ahead and write a giant stream of consciousness sort of thing because I'm so utterly lonely and pathetic in every way that is typically thought of as possible on this little planet of ours.  I am repulsive, and innately unnattractive.  This does not in fact stem from any kind of slight against myself in a physical fashion.  I may not be pick of the litter, but I can say with some confidence that I'm not horrendously ugly...at least...on the outside.  And therein lies the problem.  I am a hideous person inwardly, obsessed and completely wedded to an ambiguous hatred towards just about anything.  Where does this come from?  Did I not get enough hugs as a child?  No...as a matter of fact I didn't.  I didn't like hugs, I didn't like to be around people, because even when I was little, I realized that there is something deeply and irrecovably WRONG with them.  I don't mean wrong, as in they are somehow worse than me or blah blah whatever.  No certainly none of that bullshit, after all, the person I hate the most in the world is myself.  No, this sense of being utterly, unidentifiably wrong stems from a sort of unnatural feel to humanity, a definite sense I get that for some reason, we all just chose to be complete and utter dickbags...that we had a chance some day and we just flat out blew it.  To put it in pretentious metaphor, we were all given some clay, and asked to build something, something out of our wildest dreams and goals, to build what it is in the world that we really wanted.  And what did we make?  We made some genetalia.  We put our sexual drives in the place of where our dreams should be.  And you'll say to me, 'Keith, that is awfully heavy handed, and aren't you the one that yells about that love stuff anyways?'  Yes, it is heavy handed, but isn't it oh so true?  Aren't all relationships we have dictated in some way connected to this sexuality?  AND WHY THE CRAP DO I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS!?!?!?  Here's why, because we have separated the two, we have made love and sexuality things that we think about in a DIFFERENT way.  They can often, or nearly always be made into the same thing, and we can have a loving relationship with heavy passionate sexuality or whatever.  But what happens when we truly forget this connectedness?  What happens when we start to see sexuality as an act, as a goal, as a COMMODITY, when we give it autonomous being as an idea?  Well the emotional response is we are no longer human beings, but once again, I can be heavy-handed.  A more moderate stance would be that we lose all capability to truly integrate ourselves with sexuality, to BE sexual, rather than commit the sexual.  The result is, sex can and will be without love.  This makes me want to vomit.  Now granted, my views on love are also incredibly out of control, and stem from some weird coagulation of too many fairy-tales and a healthy dose of neediness, BUT why would one choose to act in such a way, nay even THINK in such a way that they would have a serious attraction to someone they don't love.  Sex becomes something we consume and produce, something that is 'sold' rather than given, and because of this selling, becomes an object of desire itself.  People WANT sex, they do not coexist with it.  We are so closed or open to the avenue of casual sex for this exact reason, it has become something that we can enjoy without commitment, without sacrifice, without hardship, things that are integral to real love.  Love is not all happy-faces and walks on the beach.  Television, books, and a large number of our peers have shown us that it can be, but how realistic is this conception?  Does the married couple of 30 years still love one another, or do they simply exist together?  On the same token, can giving one's 'love' away freely (oooh man i get mad when it comes to the hippies), to any and all that you are attracted to (or 'love')...is this any healthier?  Does having a casual attachment to many people somehow give you a greater sense of satisfaction as a person?  Granted, most of those people may think very highly of you, and if you are 'liberated' in that sense, will probably have a great deal of respect and admiration for your generosity and kindness.  But you are living life as a shadow, a facade, a farce.  To not give yourself away, to not BECOME love, but instead feel it, is to only go so far, to only give up your SEX and not your LOVE.  Love is undying, love is all powerful, and it is something that very few of us ever feel.  So what do so many of us do?  We close ourselves off to it.  We bury ourselves in friendships, in shallow loves built on sex and convenience.  The eighties were correct in their assertion that love does indeed 'hurt.'  It is through this pain that we learn, however, and to not learn, to be content with HAPPINESS(don't get me started on this) is to basically buy an icecream cone, eat off all the sprinkles, look at a homeless man, point at the cone, point to him, walk over to him...then throw the cone in the gutter.  Happiness is a crutch, happiness is a false wall put up.  Surely, there is unimaginable pain on the way to finding real love, to finding the truth of truths.  It hurts so bad that for many of us, our hearts break and we turn to one of the afformentioned ways out (or some of us...bitter...bitter...harden our hearts as best we can, and keep smashing into the wall--to weak to realize we'll never break through).  My problem is, I continuously fall for things, I allow myself to get wrapped up in the moment, every time reaching for that true love, only to find that the other person is never ready to take the final step, to run up against the wall.  After all, the wall is imposing, and you don't know if you're going tobreak through.  But jesus christ, can't we try, just once, can't we all just FUCKING TRY.

Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 07:25PM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments4 Comments

Reader Comments (4)

I agree with some of what you say here, GC. I agree that most of the world has a screwed up view on love and sexuality and that most people disagree with me seeing them as connected. I am sure even my view differs from yours in that I have had many a discussion with Kev just trying to fully define my view on love and sexuality. And yes I do think pain is a way to learn, in fact it is usually the leason we remember best, but there is something that pain has taught me. Love is still all powerful, and romantics like us still have the right idea on love, at least for us, theres just two tricks to it. Trick number one, learn from your pain, but treat everyone like the first one and final one; you have to learn leasons form pain but not become jaded, and not let it hold you back or be filled with mistrust for the next love, you have to be willing to get hurt again. And yes I know you already have trust problems. and the second trick is that you have to look for people who feel the same way about love as you do, and you have already said and I agreed that that is a rare thing. If they feel differently about love it will not work out, flat out, no matter what. for you that might make things extra hard, but it just makes it that much more important to make sure they feel the same way as you.
November 17, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
If I could be serious for a minute...

You never directly say so, but from the way you wrote, it sounded like you feel that this disconnectedness between sex and love is a fairly new and mostly American accomplishment. I'm not sure if this is what you believe or not, but personally I think that love and sex have only very rarely been connected throughout history.

Do you notice how everyone around seems to fall "deeply in love" with people they wouldn't fucking talk to if they didn't want to fuck? Sometimes people they might otherwise think of as bad human beings if they're into that sort of judgemental assholishness like I am. Then relationships end, and people stop loving the person they loved like they are snapping out of a level 5 charm spell. They are suddenly, with little transition, more likely to spit on the person who they had previously thought the world of.

I think the vast majority of the time, romantic love is nothing but a faux love created by our need as animals to fuck all the time. It has seemed to me that most of the time it's just an illusion. It's different in so many extreme ways from close friendships that seem basically like romantic relationships without the physical closeness or the mutual exclusivity.

If you or David ever needed me, I think either of you would be able to depend on me, and vice versa. We may not sleep in the same bed and talk sexy to eachother all night (ok, so maybe we do) but in reality close friendships are twice as valuable and not half the work. More importantly they seem real and reliable where the deepest and most intense of romantic love comes and goes sometimes within a matter of days, leaving on trails of semen and shit to mark its passing.

I guess I'm starting to lean towards that crazy band you listen to that thinks sex is evil. I came to the conclusion several months ago that I would, without a second thought, choose to have been castrated when I was younger. Now I'm older, and anyone who's tried to "fix" a dog past puberty knows that taking the means doesn't take away the desire after a certain point. But I believe very strongly, I'd be a better person if I had been.

But I've been sidetracked from the point. The point is, when can we all get together for Palladium? On second thought I better not get you started on that. Your company is missed though, and it would be good to see you.

Take care,
November 17, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterStarbucks Allan
I finding myself agreeing with some of what both Josh and Allan have to say here, Grindcore. ...I'll take that as a good thing. :-)

You have some interesting things to say as well. And yeah, it's pretty awful how sex has become a commodity and really seems to have lost its meaning(?) for people. Just as sex can be seperated from love though, love can be from sex. The love between brothers, friends, a parent and a child. They have nothing to do with sex. Hm. Just as the sex between a man and a whore has nothing to do with love. I'm not quire sure if I've tried to articulate the differences like this back and forth (or seen them articulated in what you all have to say).

"Eh. Who knows?" I really find myself resorting to that phrase more and more as I get older. Go figure. Love is important. There was once a rather iffy Highlander movie called Endgame with a quote that sort of surpassed much of the rest of the movie: "Its our bonds that hold us in this world." We make bonds, we connect with other human beings, and things go from there. Hopefully, those bonds are meaningful and on a level other than lust.

Romantic love? History tells me it was invented by troubadours in Provencal France around 1200 or so. But, being a romantic, I'd like to believe that it was around before that.

Allan's right. We need to get together and do something.

-Now its his turn to walk the plank of the SMP
November 18, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterDavid
Our room can be a decent place to crash.. even more so now that the beds are bunked (more floor room).

To Grindcore and Allan both, you know how to reach me.
November 18, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterAngie

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