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It's friday night and I ain't got nobody

So I went to a friend's party tonight, a gesture for my friends who want me to move on and away from my depressive state and continued pitiful outlook on things.  And I realized one thing, it's not that I hate parties because people who go to parties are idiots (which is an indisputable fact), but it's because the very atmosphere of the party itself makes me feel like a shell of a person.  The whole essence of that which is party is anathema to me.  Think of it this way for a moment...  What do you do when you prepare yourself for a party?

1.  You alert your friends--This is the first and most important action of every party goer.  Your friends are your lifeline...granted, a friend may be throwing the party, but you always make sure to arrive with at least one friend.  In doing so, you are given a way out, a safe mind to vis a vis with.  It's like parachuting into enemy territory, you can't do it alone.  And herein lies an issue I think, well hidden of course.  You go to parties with essentially what amounts to a social bodyguard, someone who you can interact with on a level other than 'please touch my groin' or 'let's share a moment when our hearts and minds meet...and then touch my groin.'  This is why parties are dangerous, for they are recognizably the place for this activity, a place where you essentially concede that you don't want to talk to anyone other than to grab their groin.  If you did, why would you bring your safety?  The safety friend allows you to remain insular, to not put yourself out there, to be possibly rebuffed at your attempt at talking to someone.  In this way, everyone cliques-up, and absolutely no real conversation takes place, for it is on the 'no man's land' of idle inane chatter.

2.  You get gussied up--It seems like everyone I know does this.  People actually cultivate their appearance to impress others in a social space.  I could go on a giant rant about how wrong this is, and how it actually damages who you are as a person...but I won't.  Suffice to say, if you change clothes for the purpose of going to a party, you need to rethink your life.  This also links to the grabbing groin phenomenon...for while many people do not go to parties for this express purpose, they do insist on fooling themselves under the pretense of 'fun' rather than groin grabbing.  You want to look sexy, you want to look desirable, even as you try and maintain a sense of dignity by not groping someone else.  So really, everyone wears a giant sign that says LOOK BUT DON"T TOUCH, TALK TO, OR CONNECT WITH--I AM HERE AS A COMMODITY, CONSUME ME AS YOU WISH.  Parties are about spectacle, they are about communal experience, they are about the visceral boorish nature of life.

I'm tired I'm not going to finish this.  What's rule #2?  Keep your shoes on your feet.  Otherwise I'll take them.

Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2004 at 01:54AM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments9 Comments

Reader Comments (9)

"I AM HERE AS A COMMODITY, CONSUME ME AS YOU WISH." You got me, that's exactly what the sign I tatooed across my ass says. I'm putting the addendum "But seriously, please consume me" across my crotch. Much love Keith, you know I hated being there as much if not more than you. Fuck parties. Drunk people from High School suck dick.

November 20, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterNate
yeah, parties sucks, suckity suck suck suck.....
now where was it that I can find dick sucking highschoolers? cause, uh yeah, I hate them, yeah... hate
November 20, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
However, the next night we personally destroyed a young woman's high opinions of herself and reduced her to listing all the horrible things that she'd done to herself over the years as if we'd be impressed, then we just made fun of her again for being retarded and self-contradictory. Keith and Charles were tehW1nz0r_01 at destroying a teenager's life. Whooo!

November 21, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterNate
It's true, I was there. Another chillun destroyed at Keith's hand. Viva la revolucion!
November 22, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterTara
Tara, you got pwnz0r3d_010111010011 by my magazine-stealing skills. That is all.

November 22, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterNate
Smash Brothers.
November 23, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterTara
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK. I didn't know where else to post this, so I'll do it here. I just saw a commercial for a study the NIDA (National Institution for Drug Abuse) is putting on. It went something like this.

"Do you use marijuana? Ecstacy? Then you may qualify for a study by the NIDA. (Here's the good part.) Participants will be compensated between $250 and $400 dollars, and all personal information will be kept confidential."

Now. Let's look at that, shall we? Here, Mr. Drug Addict. Let me HAND YOU MONEY in return for your ANONYMOUS participation. Hopefully you will go BUY DRUGS WITH THIS MONEY AND OVERDOSE SO WE CAN USE YOU AS A GIANT FUCKING LAB-RAT. Essentially, you are being directly rewarded for spending time in a facility instead of passed out on your couch with a needle sticking out of your fucking neck and a child prostitute tucked under your arm suffocating to the smell of your 4-days unwashed armpits and sweat-soaked balls.

I fucking hate America.

November 27, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterNate
I hate america too Nate, but look at it this way. They want drug addicts, they aren't going to do a drug test, call up, have them send you cash, and then take your anonymous self and sit on your couch enjoying your new consol video game system. Lets all convince them we do drugs and get free money.
November 27, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
You just havent been to the right party bro,
November 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMike Casalena

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