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Stupid Fat Old Bitches...the remix

So it started like this....

=====RedHairedQueen wrote=====
You look like the kind of guy my mom told me to steer clear of in high school-I'm old enough to not listen to my mom anymore...

My mother used to have a saying...she'd say 'son of mine, if there's one piece of wisdom I can impart to you it would be, don't ever talk to ugly fat old people, they've got diseases.

But then I thought....wait...I'm not done.

fatdumbitch.jpgRedhairedQueen huh?  I'll admit, when I first saw this picture, I thought it was one of those photos of the horrific car-wreck victims that they put up on those slasher websites for young serial killers to jerk off to.  Then I realized, this would have the opposite effect.  I think my penis actually withered and drew itself back into my body upon initial contact with said specimen, and WHAT A SPECIMEN SHE IS.  As you can see in the picture, she is CLEARLY FROM HELL.  SHE IS ROSEMARY"S BABY.  No where, in my life, have I ever seen such a depiction of what the inside of my personal purgatory would be.  Apparently, it has red hair, and sits on a couch made of rabbit droppings and discarded medical waste.  WAIT that's not a couch, that's her 'ample' bosom.  Nice renaissance dress, are you a level 12 druid (ed note, lvl 12 druids kick an enormous amount of ass in most rpg's...but let's all remember, LARP is for morons).  What's your most powerful spell?  KILL ERECTION!?!  I think I'd rather slam my head in a car door than talk to you ever for any reason.  Even if someone hit my best friend with a car, and your house was the nearest one around, I'd take my chances builing a telephone out of bark, feces and the discarded remains of a raccoon den than look at you for more than three consecutive seconds.  Just thinking about the fact you're alive gives me diarrhea.

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 at 06:40PM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

CleoDestroy: that red head is HOT!!!
CleoDestroy: why dont you go for it
CleoDestroy: you could bury yourself between her huge breasts
CleoDestroy: ... and under her huge chin
June 13, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterlauren
that wench has a face and body for radio. it looks like someone poured her into her clothes and forgot to say when
June 21, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMark

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