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An open apology

Clearly what began as a treatise on the utilization and misuse of labels as self-identifiers got blown out of proportion and made into something vitriolic and altogether offensive.

I am sorry to those whom it may have hurt. I am especially sorry to John whom I know expects much better of me.

Posted on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 12:09PM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments9 Comments

Reader Comments (9)

well I don't want you to offend other friends of yours, nor do something to make a friend think less of you, but I like the offensive Grindcore. Thats what I need and expect, I know it will be way off the deep end, and I like it.
November 18, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
Well Josh, essentially what happened was that I posted a rant on a particular group of people on campus that I find to be ridiculous in their politicking etc...

Nate posted a followup that was over the top and extremely offensive--as is the way of our people.

Most people thought it was me that posted it. These said people have also been hurt by me in the recent past for a variety of other reasons.

So in other words I got pwned. I had to take it down because I guess people couldn't tell the difference between my stuff and nate's even though his name was clearly at the bottom of his and mine at the bottom of mine. Ontop of that, his was such hyperbole, how could it have been anything BUT a joke.

A joke no one got. As usual.
November 18, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterKeith
I totally missed Nate's post, I was denied even a chance to read it!!! damn.... thats just sad. granted I know its my job that makes me hate most people, and think all people are dumb, especially in groups. I know that those feelings are exagerated and inappropriate, but when dumb people not gatting jokes means I don't even get the see the joke, then I think a bit of anger is justified.

Again I state, I do not expect or want you to alienate or hurt other friends simply for my enterainment (well maybe I do alittle, but not seriously). But dang it, they should learn to take a joke so they they don't cause you to deniy your friends who enjoy your offensive rants intended as humor. This is of course all said applies to just the posts here, I have no idea what the "recent past" events were nor can I judge if they warrented this complete retraction.
November 19, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
Blinders! Ha!
November 19, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterErik
And for the record, I say you alienate and insult as many people as you can. You know my feelings about the human mediocrity factory that is SMC, and you know my feelings about what you should do: burn bridges, burn every bridge you can. Are you an alcoholic child pretending to be an adult? No? Then why are you wasting anymore time at that glorified summer camp? Do you enjoy the company of boring people who represent the absolute median of American society? No, then get the fuck away from there. Are you a self-absorbed asshole who likes to engage in pointless self-righteous activism that has actually no impact on anything ever except your transparent effort to bolster your misguided 19 year-old ego? No? Then go. Please. It'll be the best thing you ever did. Quit your job. Leave. Sure, the real world sucks too, but at least it makes you proud to endure it. If you don't want to deal with people being petty and childish, then don't spend your time consorting in a place that is, for all intents and purposes, a daycare center where upper middle-class fuck-ups dump their barely average shithead children for a few years of quiet before their worthless leaching asses come crawling back for 'support' again. There are better people 'out there'. REAL people that have developed themselves beyond the petty sexual politicking of SMC's bedraggled horde of stunted adolescents. In fact, I know you're friends with many of them. So why not join them? Go go go go go go.
November 19, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterErik
You know, all last year I kept bemoaning how much I was going to miss St. Mary's and how much I was going to come visit after I graduated. I visited once, and that was mostly because I wanted to go to an event at the Calvert Marine Museum with a friend of mine. And that was before school even started again. I guess in the back of my head, I realized that that place help absolutely nothing for me anymore. Erik, you summed it up nicely. As much as the real world sucks, at least it is real. (Or at least as real as it can be when you're an unemployed grad student living in your parents' basement.)

I'm sorry I missed the offensive posts altogether. Maybe I should check this place more than when I'm just bored. *grin*
November 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHanna
Support for the cause!!! Offensiveness flow forh, burn those bridges, and burn effegies of tose that ask us to stop.

I stand up for my right to enjoy offensive matierial that others can not read if they so choose. You made it clear in the title of the post that it would be offensive, and just like turning off a tv or changing a radio channel, people can choose to not read.

And Erik is right about his take of St. Mary's, of course the "real world" also can be unfortunately close to that was well the longer you are in it, the real difference is in the real world there is the chance to o to one of the few places that isn't that way.
November 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
PS The friends of yours who made you take an offensive post down are not welcome at Nerdcon... nor would the humorlous bastards be likely to enjoy the event.
November 30, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
you haven't been here since november. you lied to me on the myspace. liar!

just keep me in your top 8, 'kay?

July 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterthe awesomest jen

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