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On occasion, I pwn n00bz

Recently I've found how stupendously easy it is for me to discard people I know out of hand...because let's face it, I don't care about them. Granted, St Mary's gave me a couple of really awesome folks over the years (nearly ALL of them being nerds, but not discounting my girl-crew<--you guys are the bestest), but in a much more accurate way. Shitmary's is a total cesspool of human filth, where everyone is in everyone else's business, drinks copiously, and is incapable of being a person. As a result? I'm cutting the umbilical. Granted I work there, so I have to see people, but frankly, I'm frikkin done. This was going to be a long funny rant about something, but I forget it now and it's time for cak....I mean cake. No no, I meant cock. Sorry for the confusion.

Posted on Sunday, November 6, 2005 at 10:08AM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments5 Comments

Reader Comments (5)

Hey I saw ur facebook, and stumbled upon ur website, you are hilarious, thanks for bringing a laugh to this otherwise ignorant night!
November 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMike Casalena
Wow.. GG.
November 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterA. Casalena
Methinks you'll never have to worry about a "girl crew" again after the subsequent entry, my dear boy.
November 17, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterdlfkjsdiu
Dear dlfkjsdiu,

Apparently you are devestatingly unaware of my friends and life. Perhaps there was some confusion... I have a girl crew from St Mary's. They've all graduated. We're all lovely friends. I care for them all dearly. There is no other 'girl-crew.'

We fuckin run tight.
November 17, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterKeith
I don't know who you are or why I'm putting the time into writing this but I would just like to commend you on saying "pwn noobz". I'm out never to visit this place again.
March 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterRandom Passerby

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