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Why Matt and I should never, ever, be allowed to meet new people

Slayngren: cuz she's on the octopusred team
Slayngren: she's a good writer
Slayngren: and she's like all about it
Newoctopusred: hell yeah
Slayngren: she's like you guys are COOL
Slayngren: and i was like....pssshhht yeah
Slayngren: tried to play it off
Newoctopusred: hahahaha
Newoctopusred: oh no! she's on to us
Slayngren: yeah exactly
Slayngren: i was like shit shit shit
Slayngren: umm i'm also a professional wrestler and i own several banks that are operated by monkeys I trained while in NAM
 Newoctopusred: hahaha
Newoctopusred: well, did you at least tell her that i was a racoon trainer?
Newoctopusred: i mean, she should have some insight as to who i am
Slayngren: hahah nice
Slayngren: i will tonight
Slayngren: you can bet on it
Slayngren: i'll be like
Slayngren: oh yeah matt trains raccoons and does marathons
Slayngren: he's all famous and shit
Newoctopusred: haha, that's what i like to hear
Slayngren: oh and he shot the last unicorn
Newoctopusred: but make it believable
Slayngren: he's got it's horn in his room
Newoctopusred: i'm only famous in some circles
Slayngren: gotcha
Slayngren: the real hardcore runners
Newoctopusred: and yes, i did shoot the last unicorn
Slayngren: well unicorn buzzard
Slayngren: indigenous to......i dunno somewhere in candada
Newoctopusred: with help from my distracting racoons
Slayngren: i'll work out the details
Newoctopusred: i'm working on training them to be assassins
Slayngren: to assassinate who
Slayngren: that's important
Newoctopusred: i'm not sure, but they've already got the built-in masks, so i dont need to disguise them
Newoctopusred: i think they should give rabies to the new pope
Newoctopusred: unless jenna is catholic, then that probly wouldnt be very funny
Slayngren: nah she's not
Slayngren: that sounds good
Newoctopusred: ok, great
Newoctopusred: haha
Slayngren: rabies carrying marathon assassins
Newoctopusred: she passes test number one
Slayngren: i think we've really got something here
Newoctopusred: yes, i think we do
Newoctopusred: mwuhahahahaha
Newoctopusred: *cough cough*
Slayngren: *cough......cough*

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 04:20PM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

i dont know where else to put this, and you aren't online. But keith you would look dashing in this shirt:


and look. it's called 'stabby mcknife'.
June 30, 2005 | Unregistered Commentererin

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