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Oh shit I'm getting all sentimental, pull my nipples!

Sorry kids, tonight's entry is not going to be all that funny. I just thought it necessary to say, that though I've been ragging on goddard and the whole experience pretty hard...I've actually met some pretty jawsome(little street sharks reference there) people. Becauase I'm most likely have/or am going to told/tell them about the website, I figured it's important to note both for myself and for them who these cool people are. The added twist will be, they will be ordered according to an arbitrary set of criteria I make up riiiiiight now. Wait let's do a list first (in no particular order...this time)
Donovan, Ben(ponytail), Ben, Jenna, Brandy, Suzanne, Matt, and Sarah. There are other people who are also very nice, namely Mike, and Julie, but I haven't spent any time with them so I have no ways of gauging whether they do in fact film shit porno in their rooms or if those banging noises really are the 'water heater.' Not important. So without further ado...the big goddard countdowns!!! (Oh and remember this internal order is by no means favoritism....after all out of like the assload of students here, these are the only people whom I wouldn't rather drown myself in a kiddie pool of semen than talk to.

The person whom I would share a six hour car ride in the back of a cab with...
1. Jenna
2. Donovan
3. Matt
4. Ben
5. Sarah
6. Ben(pt)
7. Suzanne
8. Brandy

The person with whom I would 'rock out'
1. Ben(pt)
2. Sarah
3. Suzanne
4. Matt
5. Jenna
6. Ben
7. Brandy
8. Donovan

Person with which to share a cup of coffee and a rainy afternoon
1. Donovan
2. Jenna
3. Brandy
4. Ben
5. Ben(pt)
6. Suzanne
7. Matt
8. Sarah
oh and we knew this one was coming, and yeah, especially for these people WHO HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME, PROBABLY FOR A FEW DAYS AFTER READING THIS, this is gonna be KINDA AWKWARD....
FUCK YOU GUYS. Yeah you're right, we may barely know eachother, yeah this could be awkward. But you know what. It's funny. It's quirky. It is has you say, how we 'do.'

1. Jenna
2. Brandy
3. Sarah
4. Donovan
5. Ben
6. Suzanne
7. Ben(pt)
8. Matt

Oh shit did he just say that? I mean won't these people judge him!??!!?


Posted on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 12:15AM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments4 Comments

Reader Comments (4)

So here's what I'm hearing....

1. There's some hot butts up there in craptown.
2. You're more attracted to some of the guys than you are to some of the girls.
3. Apparently you like Duran Duran. (Fag)

And here's what I have to say.

1. Nobody in their right mind who wished to keep their be-hymen (or assginity, in the case of athletes whose anal hymen has broken due to physical stress in the past) intact would spend a 6-hour cab ride with you. Or 3 minutes, for that matter, as is my personal experience.
2. You don't drink coffee and you grow sickly and more irritated than normal on rainy days. And if I ever see you in a StarFucks, I'll break your legs.
3. Since this "Brandy" made #2 on your sex-list, she must therefore be at least a 8 on the hot scale, and therefore I require that you post her phone number on the internet so that I and countless other 40+, fat, pale visitors may partake of leaving 20 minute messages requesting nude photos and to come and "clean out her pipes." And by "clean out her pipes," I mean "have sex with her." And by "have sex with her," I mean...well, you see where is is going. OH!

Peace bitch, I'm bored without you. Quit being a snobby writer and come down and play ROLEPLAYING GAMES, Nyaaaaaaaaa!

Angry Motha-Fuckin Nate
July 4, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNate
I was a week late on seeing your webpage update, wow alot of reading, you must be bored to be updating often. Of course it is good that you are keeping in touch with all us nerds. You should do a list on members of the gaming club in order of who you would sleep with, that would be good and awkard. Also, you should specify if you are pitching or cathing when it comes to the guys (and girls too if you or they are into that I guess). I do think you need to subject your new friends to your old friends, that would be awkward as well. Hey, if they can put up with us they'd propbably take a bullet for you, bring 'em to nerd-con. Which we really need to start planning. Oh yeah, and whats really sad, this is also the first I heard of you even going to grad school, you aren't going to surevive a Vermont winter, you barely avoid hypothermia in the middle of summer. And does grad school work counter-intuitive to your plans of being homeless (well once you graduate that is).

In conclusion, play more roleplaying games, and shout huzzah across the goddard campus, they need a chapter of P.I.O.H.G.

July 7, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
found you.
July 14, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
holy crap tiffany well played!
July 15, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterkeith

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