I have rabbit ears in my adrenal gland
Since when did I stop taking steps off the edge of life and wallow in puddles of pig's vomit and lower intestines? WHAT HAPPENED. I'll tell you what happened, my mind got screwed over by some kind of emo canal fitted directly into my brain by little sausage men. THE FUCKING SAUSAGE MEN. THEY NEVER INVITE ME TO THEIR PARTIES ANYMORE. USELESS BIGOT FUCKS. I had a fever last night, and I realized. THE FEVER. THAT"S IT. Fevers are where I need to be, fevers bring me energy, open up my senses. I feel in tune with things, not the right things, the stabby things, the wonderful things, the fuzzy things. THE YOU THINGS. THE EVERYONE THINGS. I go in and out of these periods of frantic nothingness. I'm not sure where I am exactly, if it is the futurepast or the present allocation of time which I call the now. This sounds like drug induced hornswaggle but it's not. I"M LUCID. I"M JUST GOING CRAZY. I"M GONNA HAVE A BREAKDOWN. THIS IS FRIKKIN OUT OF CONTROL.
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