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I'm known to hit low

"Fuck relationships, let's shred."

Truer words were never said my friends. So things obviously went sour, and not the good sour like warheads, I mean the bad sour, like 'is this bleu cheese, no it's milk' sour. Suffice to say, without any details, Melrose place took over my life for a brief period. That's right, the cameras followed me into the bathroom, watched me go about my daily routines, which recently have consisted of apparently listening to SEIZED as loud as I can and weeping. It kinda makes you realize, that while we're all on constant search for love: amazing conversations, that fuzzy feeling when you're near someone, mindblowing sex, a deep personal connection... I've yet to find it outside of things like my State of Fear discography and Marvel Vs Capcom 2. Does this mean I'm incapable of being in a relationship with something alive? Very probably. But has shumz ever ditched me when I've needed him most? EFF NO. Chaos mutherfuckin dimension! OH I"M SORRY WAS THAT 2/3 OF YOUR HEALTHBAR UUUUHHHH OOHHHHHHHHHH. Which brings me to another important point. Nerdcon is very far away. Months even. How am I supposed to get my game on down in shitmary's county when the only people I hang out with now are in my band or whoooolllyyyy uninterested in orcs? YES I KNOW, THAT DOES MAKE ME DEBATE AS TO WHETHER THOSE FOLKS ARE PEOPLE AT ALL. OH SHIT...and last night was halloween.

No. Sorry. Halloween doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced with a new holiday. It's called allslutsday. It's alot like allsaintsday only it involves an abnormal number of people in corsets. Has anyone else noticed this disturbing trend? HALLOWEEN USED TO BE ABOUT MURDER AND MONSTERS. THE DOUBLE MM'S. Now it's all about who can show the most cleavage and makeout with the most dudes dressed as pimps, or pimpin pirates, or pimpin business executives, or pimpin insurance salesman. The female equivalents are similar slutty farm worker, slutty taxi driver, slutty sewage treatment plant janitor. WHAT THE HELL. AS IF WE DON"T HAVE ENOUGH SLUTTY DAYS ALREADY. YOU NEED ANOTHER ONE TO AIR OUT YOUR CUNT IN THAT COOL OCTOBER AIR, TRYING TO SHAKE THE SMELL OF MR 40 SOMETHING YOU DID IN THE BACK OF A VAN THE FEW DAYS BEFORE!?!?! OR WHAT ABOUT YOU MR PIMPIN? IS YOUR PIMP CANE TO REMIND YOU THAT AT LEAST YOU HAVE ONE ROD THAT ISN"T COVERED IN SORES AND REGRETS? And funny costumes? FUNNY? Halloween is about TERROR. Now granted, nothing is more terrifying than a grown man in a carebear costume giving out candy to children, but what my grandpa does in his spare time is none of your business. Speaking of candy, we still have alot at the house, but it's mostly chocolate, and has been asserted many times, I like my candy how I like my men...fruity and hard. Soft and salty is another jurisdiction altogether, and let's face it, chocolate looks like poop. If you're gonna have some kind of anal fetish, at least go the full nine yards and eat some fucking shit, don't halfass it and eat chocolate.


Posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at 09:43AM by Registered CommenterSubsume and Lick! | Comments3 Comments | References1 Reference

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Reader Comments (3)

dude, nerdcon will be here before you know it, even if it can't come soon enough for anyone. yeah sluts do suck, both literally and figuratively, but as far as halloween changing, that might be a Maryland thing, at least around here halloween has been what it always is. a cross between scary and cutesy with to much cute for me and way way t much for you, but very little slutty. Not that I would recomend moving to Jersey, after all its Jersey. Go to eHarmony, I know I know, you think that that will give you a bad case of the gay, but if your recovery from that ay gets you that relationship you are looking for, then its worth it. I don't mean pay for it, god no, just sign p, take the free test, and answer the questions honestly. Yes I know, honesty about yourself makes you cry, do it anyway, and here is why.... for free they tell you a few key things...
1. the type of girl you should NOT be looking for - most likely your favorite type
2. what you need to pay attention to about yourself while in a relationship - masically it says, this is your baggage, and if you carry it this way you won't repel all other human beings of the opposite sex
3. the type of girl you should look for - take this to heart, it is basically who will not just put up with your odd ways, but think that you talking about handsom men's poo is cute
just take the damn thing, i told you to awhile ago, and what better time then while wallowing in self pity. just be honest, if nothing else it will give you something to think about. and no it doesn't tell you what is wrong with you, just how to compliment whetever is wrong with you in a relationship. besodes, even if you catch the gay, you like being homosexual, its better then being emo.
November 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I can't believe I read this one this late. Few things actually make my jaw drop as I read them..

This was one.
November 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterA. Casalena
yes. to all of the above.
February 12, 2006 | Unregistered Commenteramanda

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